Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Course Reflection

                I have learned many different ways to use and access technology in this class. Each assignment provided unique principles to learn about the world of technology. I was able to use the simple, basic skills that I had in order to achieve more complex technological projects. I enjoyed each assignment in the sense that I mastered a different set of skills when completing each individual assignment. I learned how to accurately use online resources and use different features on the computer.
                I believe one of my strong points in the class is that I was able to catch on to the material quickly. I believe this was a strong area for me because I have decent background knowledge about computers and I was able to draw from that knowledge to further my skills in this class. One of my weak points in the class was taking my time on the projects. Spending extra time on a project is not necessarily a bad thing; however, I spent too much time making sure each project was just right. I over-analyzed many parts of each assignment. I often made things too difficult than what was actually required of me. I perfected the small things rather than focusing on the big picture or main idea of the project. I would get lost in the little things and then realize that I was two steps behind everyone else. In the future, I will be sure to take a step back and see what the end goal is first, rather than picking the project apart piece by piece before I know what my main objective is. I will focus my thinking around what I am trying to accomplish from the beginning to acquire better results in the end.
                I am very excited about applying the skills I have learned and integrate technology into my future classroom. I want to teach my students that learning can be fun and interesting by using technology. Technology has come such a long way and now is the time where students will be most connected and interested in technology. I will integrate tools such as concept mapping and assistive technology during teaching to effectively communicate to every type of learner.  To make learning fun, I will teach my students to create a movie story about a particular topic we are learning in class. Integrating technology in the classroom will allow students to learn and have fun at the same time!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Google Groups and Google Drive

For the Google Groups Assignment, we had to rely on ourselves as well as the members of the group to complete the assignment. We learned how to create an online social community, story, and presentation as a group. I learned how Google groups actually works. It was very interesting that everything that a member posted, the rest of the group was able to see and edit. Especially when the group made the story, as soon as someone contributed their portion, everyone could immediately see what they added. I liked how we were graded as a group as well as individuals. I would like to use this in my classroom because I believe it will create a sense of independence on their classmates as well as themselves. Each person has to contribute to get a good grade and the whole group is not necessarily docked points if one person does not do well. It would be a great group learning project.
The NETS-T standard that this assignment met was standard 2 because teachers design these projects and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments for each student. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S.

Google Groups Presentation 

Web Site Development

For the web development assignment, I was able to create my own website for a make believe classroom. It was exciting learning how to make a website because I would love to make one for my classroom in the future. I was able to choose my layout, design, and theme of the web page. I learned how to create banners to put at the top of each page and functional hyperlinks to put at the bottom of the page. Once I chose a design for my page, I could not go back and change it. I had to stick with the first design I chose, which I did not necessarily like. I did enjoy sticking to one theme for all of the pages. I would love to create a web page for my future classroom where my students can always have access to viewing what homework they have that week, upcoming tests, and additional web resources that are helpful for them.  
The NETS-T standard that this assignment met was standard 5. I fully believe that teachers are always learning and should engage in professional growth and leadership. If the teacher is not continually learning and leading, what will the students do? Using a resourceful webpage for the classroom demonstrates the effective use of digital tools and resources for students. I believe that providing a classroom webpage for the students integrates technology outside of the classroom and promotes community building within the classroom.

Assistive Technology (Powerpoint)

For the Assistive Technology assignment, I learned how to do many different things that I have never done before on the computer. I learned how to accurately navigate and use different accessibility options on the computer. This project will be very helpful for when I am creating lesson plans to accommodate student’s with different disabilities. I learned how to accommodate for visual, physical, and hearing impaired students. At times, it was confusing figuring out how to turn on these options; however, since I have already been able to locate these features, it will make it easier for me to access these features in the future. I will be able to modify lessons and activities for students with both physical and developmental disabilities so they will be able to participate as fully as possible in class. This will eliminate confusion and separation between the students.
This assignment meets the NETS-T standard 2 where teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S. Using these accommodations will help maximize content learning because each student will have all the tools necessary to participate in the lessons and adapt to the lesson and what is being taught.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Movie Story (Windows Movie Maker)

       I thoroughly enjoyed creating my movie story. I have never created a movie using windows movie maker (or any movie for that matter). I learned how to accurately create a title page, credit page, incorporate transitions and functions, add photos, and insert music for the entire movie. Creating my movie was very difficult at first because I had to figure how to create it as I went along. It was difficult getting the timing with the words, transitions, pictures, and music to all work together and make sense. I had to change things around many times before I made it “perfect” to my standards. Once I completed the movie, I was very proud of my accomplishments. I also enjoyed the assignment because we were able to create a movie about something we were interested in or had meaning to us. I would love to allow my students to create their own story one day in my classroom. I believe this would be a great way to integrate technology in the classroom as well as be an interesting project. This will allow my students to show their creativity, as well as follow project guidelines and learn along the way.
     This assignment met the NETS-T standard one which states that teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Students are able to see the contents of the movie along with connecting to the technology that created it.   

Web Tools Assignment

Through the Web Tools Assignment, I was able to create an online rubric, wordle, story, and track. I was able to easily create an online rubric using Rubistar. The site assisted me on getting started with an example rubric and I was also able to integrate my own topics, categories, points, and descriptions for the rubric. I had no problems creating a rubric using Rubistar. This will be very helpful to quickly create a rubric for projects and assignments in my future classroom. I really enjoyed being able to create an online story with Storybird. The site allows for so much creativity even though I used a certain authors artwork. The only problem I encountered creating this story was being able to find a picture for exactly what I was trying to convey in my story. I can’t wait to create a story for a future lesson for my class! Wordle was very interesting. I think it will be something I will use in my future classroom to begin with a visual for a new concept. Creating Trackstar was a beneficial part for me because I learned how to create a track of websites for my students and parents to find information easier on a topic they are learning in class. The only issue I had with this site was making sure I was inputting the information in the correct places.
This assignment met the NETS-T standard 2, which indicates that teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences (story) and assessment incorporating contemporary tools (rubric) and resources to maximize content learning in context (track, wordle) and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S. It also met the NETS-T standard 3, which indicates that teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. 