Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Web Site Development

For the web development assignment, I was able to create my own website for a make believe classroom. It was exciting learning how to make a website because I would love to make one for my classroom in the future. I was able to choose my layout, design, and theme of the web page. I learned how to create banners to put at the top of each page and functional hyperlinks to put at the bottom of the page. Once I chose a design for my page, I could not go back and change it. I had to stick with the first design I chose, which I did not necessarily like. I did enjoy sticking to one theme for all of the pages. I would love to create a web page for my future classroom where my students can always have access to viewing what homework they have that week, upcoming tests, and additional web resources that are helpful for them.  
The NETS-T standard that this assignment met was standard 5. I fully believe that teachers are always learning and should engage in professional growth and leadership. If the teacher is not continually learning and leading, what will the students do? Using a resourceful webpage for the classroom demonstrates the effective use of digital tools and resources for students. I believe that providing a classroom webpage for the students integrates technology outside of the classroom and promotes community building within the classroom.

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