Through the Web Tools Assignment, I was able to create an
online rubric, wordle, story, and track. I was able to easily create an online
rubric using Rubistar. The site assisted me on getting started with an example
rubric and I was also able to integrate my own topics, categories, points, and
descriptions for the rubric. I had no problems creating a rubric using
Rubistar. This will be very helpful to quickly create a rubric for projects and
assignments in my future classroom. I really enjoyed being able to create an
online story with Storybird. The site allows for so much creativity even though
I used a certain authors artwork. The only problem I encountered creating this
story was being able to find a picture for exactly what I was trying to convey
in my story. I can’t wait to create a story for a future lesson for my class! Wordle
was very interesting. I think it will be something I will use in my future
classroom to begin with a visual for a new concept. Creating Trackstar was a
beneficial part for me because I learned how to create a track of websites for
my students and parents to find information easier on a topic they are learning
in class. The only issue I had with this site was making sure I was inputting
the information in the correct places.
This assignment met the NETS-T standard 2, which indicates
that teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences
(story) and assessment incorporating contemporary tools (rubric) and resources
to maximize content learning in context (track, wordle) and to develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S. It also met the
NETS-T standard 3, which indicates that teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and
work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and
digital society.
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