Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Turnitin Assignment

          Through this assignment, I learned how to efficiently use Turnitin. Turnitin is a website that teachers can use to prevent their students from plagiarizing other people’s work. I submitted a draft that I copied and pasted to experience how the website worked. Turnitin found that the copied draft was 98% similar and showed what websites the information came from. Then, I revised the copied draft, summarized it into my own words, and then submitted a revised draft. The results of the revised draft showed that there was 0% plagiarism in the paper. Through exploring Turnitin.com, I did not have any trouble using the website. It was very self-explanatory and easy to use.

            I am very excited about being able to use this plagiarism detection software in my future classroom. I believe it is very important to teach students that plagiarism is wrong because it is a form of cheating since it is stealing someone else’s work. First, I will teach my student’s how to summarize, synthesize, paraphrase, etc.  Once my students have a clear understanding of how to create a synopsis of what they read, I will use Turnitin as a way to prevent plagiarism in the classroom. This will also help students to use their own creative thinking to write a paper rather than using the easy way out and copying someone else’s work.

            This assignment met the NETS-T standard IV that indicates teachers should promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. This assignment met this standard because Turnitin is a site that helps prevent plagiarism. This standard demonstrates that teachers should teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.

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